C300H / C300HI / C300H x4 / C300HI x4
C350H / C350HI / C350H x4 / C350HI x4
Write your machine Model number, date of sale, chassis and engine
serial number in the spaces provided below. Give this information to your AUSA dealer
when you need parts or information for your machine. Make a record of these numbers
in your files.
Model number: .....................................................................
Date of sale: .........................................................................
Chassis serial number: ........................................................
Engine serial number: ..........................................................
The Vehicle Identification Plate
Is located at the left of the operators seat
(fig. 1)
The Chassis Serial Number
Is located on the right side of the chassis
(fig. 2)
The Engine Serial Number
Is located on the left side of the engine
(fig. 3, 4)
Principals components of identification plates
The plates of every components not built directly by AUSA, (for example: engines,
pumps, etc.) are directly applied on the same components, in points where the respective
makers put them origi
(fig. 3)
(fig. 4)
(fig. 2)
(fig. 1)
Vehicle Identification
and Serial Numbers