Mixing To The Stereo Mix Busses:
The channel signals are sent, via the bus assign buttons, to mix resistors that voltage sum
the channel signals onto the left and right mix busses. The mix bus uses the traditional
process of using a transformer to couple the bus signal into the mix amp preamplifier
stage. This gives the Aurora Sidecar the extra “iron” in the mix circuit path to produce a
sound unobtainable with a virtual earth, current mix into an IC operational amplifier.
The mix amp preamplifier drives the P&G conductive plastic output faders, which feed
the Aurora Audio classic output stage and transformer. A VU meter is wired across the
stereo output XLR's to provide level indication.
On the subject of VU meters, both the channel output and stereo output VU meters read
+4dBu for 0VU on the meter. This is a voltage of 1.228v ac and you will see a small
hole below each VU meter that gives access to a trim potentiomer that allows the user to
finely adjust the 0VU reference point.
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