The Aurora Sidecar is robustly built out of all steel frame components and well
engineered electronic circuitry.
The Aurora Sidecar can operate with channels removed but the bus level will rise
marginally as there will be less loading on the mix busses. An increase in 0.5dB with
one module removed and 1.0dB with two modules removed shows the small margin
Aurora Audio, or your local distributor, can provide replacement channel modules in
return for the damaged or broken channel. For the benefit of experienced technicians,
this photo shows the layout of the Sidecar channel.
At the top of the module is the Pre-amplifier
assembly. This comprises the input and
output transformers, the plug-in TF1 Output
amplifier, and the discrete circuitry.
It can be removed by pulling off the knobs,
removing the nut on the gain switch and DI
jack socket, and removing the M3 screw,
nut, and spacer retaining the rear of the
Unplugging the various connections allows
the PCB to be removed. Make notes of
which connector went to where.
The plug-in TF1 output amplifier is retained
by an M3 nut below the PCB. When
replacing, ensure all five gold pins are
aligned with their sockets.
To check its operation, the voltage on the yellow and blue pins of the output transformer
should be approximately 1.5v dc if functioning correctly.
The equalizer circuit boards are removed as a single assembly by pulling off the knobs
and removing the nuts beneath. Make a note of the connector wiring before unplugging.
If in doubt, use the diagram on the following page to confirm which connector goes
We recommend the use of
Electrolube EML 200F switch cleaner/lubricator spray
the cleaning and servicing of switches on the channel module.
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