Gain :-
-10dB to +80dB on the input sensitivity switch plus
another 10dB in the fader.
Input Impedance :-
1.2Kohm (XLR I/P), 10Mohm (DI I/P)
Output Impedance :- < 50 ohms balanced
VU Meter range :-
Standard VU points from -20VU to +3VU where
0VU = +4dBu = 1.228 vac. Front panel trimpot to
align the 0VU point.
Input headroom :-
Outputs :-
Gain :-
Stereo outputs are unity gain
Output Impedance :- < 50 ohms balanced
Frequency response :-< +/- 0.5dB at 20Hz and 20KHz ref. 0dBu @ 1KHz
Noise :-
< -75dB all channels assigned to a bus.
< -85dB channel O/P noise @ unity gain
< -45dB channel O/P noise @ +80dB gain (EIN = -125dB)
Crosstalk :-
< -70dB @ 1KHz
Headroom :-
Maximum outputs all > +26dBu
Distortion :-
< 0.075% @ 1KHz
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