Switch on actuator in direction CLOSE and observe direction of rotation at hollow
shaft [3] or stem [5]:
The direction of rotation is correct if the actuator moves in direction CLOSE
and the hollow shaft in clockwise direction, or the stem moves downward.
Correctly fit/screw on threaded plug [1] with seal [2], protective cap [4] for stem
protection tube [6], fasten thread.
Limit switching: check
Set selector switch to position Local control (LOCAL).
Operate actuator using push buttons OPEN, STOP, CLOSE.
The limit switching is set correctly if (default indication):
the yellow indication light/LED1 is illuminated in end position CLOSED
the green indication light/LED5 is illuminated in end position OPEN
the indication lights go out after travelling into opposite direction.
The limit switching is set incorrectly if:
the actuator comes to a standstill before reaching the end position
one of the red indication lights/LEDs is illuminated (torque fault)
the status indication
in the display signals a fault.
If the end position setting is incorrect: Reset limit switching.
Reference operation position feedback: perform
For actuators with position feedback (RWG, potentiometer), a reference operation
has to be performed once the limit switching setting was changed to ensure that the
position feedback (0/4 – 20 mA) supplies correct values:
Operate actuator electrically (via the push buttons OPEN and CLOSE of the
local controls) once to end position OPEN and once to end position CLOSED.
If no reference operation is performed after changing the limit switching, the feedback
signal via the bus is not correct. The bus signals the missing reference operation as
a warning.
Close switch compartment
If options (e.g. potentiometer, position transmitter) are available: Only close switch
compartment once all optional equipment has been successfully set.
Corrosion due to damage to paint finish
Touch up damage to paint finish after work on the device.
Clean sealing faces of housing and cover.
Preserve joint surfaces with an acid-free corrosion protection agent.
Check whether O-ring [3] is in good condition, replace if damaged.
SAEx 07.2 – SAEx 16.2/SAREx 07.2 – SAREx 16.2 Control unit - electromechanical
ACExC 01.2 Intrusive Modbus RTU
Commissioning (basic settings)