List of Operating modes
The HG-30 has 14 different operating modes, selectable by rotating the
mode select
knob. The mode selector only
has 10 positions, therefore modes over 9 are indicated by the light emitting diode to the left of the selector.
rotating the selector CW from 9 to 0, the diode is lit, and you need to add 10 to the mode selector number.
Correspondingly, when rotating the knob counter-clockwise (CCW) back from 0 to 9, the mode number is back less
than 10.
The available control knobs, sliders, and patch cable inputs may have very different functions in each
mode, so studying each mode instruction separately is needed. Note that there is some delay in the “+10” led, so
avoid the rapid turning of several positions when going over 9 and under 10, otherwise the +/- 10 mode switching
may not react.
The modes are listed and shortly described here; see the later sections for a detailed description of each mode.
Mode 0:
30 harmonic frequencies with individual envelope control for each; common modulatable PM synthesis
and phase noise for each harmonic.
Mode 1:
15 harmonics, with individual envelope control for each, and individual modulation depth control (noise
and/or PM) for each using the remaining 15 sliders.
Mode 2:
Harmonic filtered noise bands from a voltage controlled comb filter, with individual envelope control for
Mode 3:
Base note with selectable interval notes, maximum 7, each 15 harmonics.
Mode 4:
Pseudo-VCF with noise control.
Mode 5:
True chorus with 10 chorus members, each 19 harmonics.
Mode 6:
Single channel vocoder.
Mode 7:
Frozen spectrum/transient capture single channel vocoder.
Mode 8:
Two channel vocoder.
Mode 9:
Frozen spectrum/transient capture two channel vocoder.
Mode 10:
Same as mode 0, but only noise with two parameter controls.
Mode 11:
Same as mode 1, but only noise with two parameter controls.
Mode 12:
30 harmonics with envelope control from a built-in sequencer.
Mode 13:
Pseudo-VCF with PM control.
Mode 14:
Frequency modulated harmonic generator.
In addition, location 15 of the mode selector is used for selecting the software assisted tuning and calibration