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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
ATF Circuit
⇒ “7.1 Overview - ATF Circuit”, page 117
⇒ “7.2 ATF Cooler, Removing and Installing, Vehicles with 3.0L
TDI Biturbo Engine”, page 122
⇒ “7.3 ATF Filter, Removing and Installing”, page 125
⇒ “7.4 Automatic Transmission Fluid Lines, Cleaning”,
page 126
⇒ “7.5 ATF Pipes, Removing and Installing”, page 127
Overview - ATF Circuit
⇒ “7.1.1 Vehicles with a 2.0L TFSI Engine”, page 117
⇒ “7.1.2 Vehicles with a 3.0L TFSI engine”, page 119
Clean working conditions for the automatic transmission. Re‐
fer to
⇒ “3.1 Clean Working Conditions, Guidelines”, page 5
General repair instructions. Refer to
⇒ “3.3 General Repair Information”, page 6
Seal the open lines and connections with clean plugs from the
-VAS6122- .
Check ATF level after replacing ATF pipes. Refer to
⇒ “6.2 ATF Level, Checking”, page 110
Danger of causing damage to the transmission.
♦ Remove all the plugs on the ATF pipes and on the trans‐
mission that were installed during removal.
♦ The ATF cooling function will not work and the transmis‐
sion will be damaged if the plugs are forgotten.
Vehicles with a 2.0L TFSI Engine
Audi Q5 2008 ➤ , Audi Q5 China 2010 ➤
8-Speed Automatic Transmission 0BK AWD - Edition 04.2017
7. ATF Circuit