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If extremely dirty ATF flows out when cleaning using compressed
air, flush the ATF cooler and lines using clean ATF.
ATF Pipes, Removing and Installing
⇒ “7.5.1 ATF Pipes, Removing and Installing, Vehicles with 2.0L
TFSI Engine”, page 127
⇒ “7.5.2 ATF Pipes, Removing and Installing, Vehicles with 3.0L
ATF Pipes, Removing and Installing,
Vehicles with 2.0L TFSI Engine
Special tools and workshop equipment required
♦ Hose Clamps - Up To 25mm - 3094-
♦ Used Oil Collection and Extraction Unit - VAG1782-
♦ Engine Bung Set - VAS6122-
– Remove the noise insulations -1 and 2-. Refer to ⇒ Body Ex‐
terior; Rep. Gr. 66 ; Noise Insulation; Noise Insulation, Re‐
moving and Installing .
– Place the -VAG1782- under the corresponding separating
points on the ATF pipes.
Before removal, mark the ATF pipes in relation to each other so
they are not switched.
– Disconnect the ATF return pipe -1- and the ATF supply pipe
– Remove the bolts -arrows- from the ATF pipes on the engine.
Audi Q5 2008 ➤ , Audi Q5 China 2010 ➤
8-Speed Automatic Transmission 0BK AWD - Edition 04.2017
7. ATF Circuit