ety P
Lock No ("NFC/Osaifu-Keitai lock")
Example of
To use the "NFC/Osaifu-Keitai lock"
Initial value
Make sure to change the initial value to your own code
before use.
PIN code
PIN code
To prevent unauthorized use of the au Nano IC Card 04 by a
third party, you can set the product to require PIN code entry
every time the power is turned on. You also need to enter
PIN code when setting whether PIN code entry is required.
If PIN code is incorrectly entered three times consecutively,
the PIN code will be locked. You can unlock the PIN code
using PUK code.
• PIN code is "1234" and PIN code entry is set to not be
required at the time of purchase. You can change PIN
code to any four- to eight-digit number, and set PIN code
entry to be required as necessary.
Make sure to change the code before using the PIN for
settings that PIN code entry is required.
PUK code
In case PIN code is locked, you can unlock it by entering
PUK code.
• PUK code is an eight-digit number given at the time of
purchase, which is printed on the back side of the plastic
card on which your au Nano IC Card 04 is attached.
• After entering PUK code, you need to set a new PIN
• If PUK code is incorrectly entered ten times consecutively,
contact an au shop, PiPit or Customer Service Center.
• PIN code is not reset by initializing the product.
<Please copy this section and use>
Google account ID
Google account password
au ID account ID
Security (start screen) Lock: Pattern
au ID account password
Security (start screen) Lock: Lock No.
Security (start screen) Lock: Password
Password entry field
Facebook account ID
Facebook account password