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Section 8 Remote Commands
There are several scheduling options for the G2110E2 that can be changed remotely. To change
any of these settings, go to
and log in to the web account corresponding to the
G2110E2. If you do not know the username and password for the account, please contact ATS to
obtain the information.
In the box for the G2110E2, under the options for Remote Commands, possible changes are GPS
fix schedule, satellite transmission schedule, maximum GPS fix duration, and mortality period.
Each has its own buttons. Click on a button and follow the instructions to issue a remote change.
There is also a command to release the collar. If a release is desired, click on the “Break-Off”
button and then confirm the release.
For any remote commands that are requested, you should receive an email indicating whether or
not ATS successfully received the request. If you receive an error email or no email and need
further assistance, please contact ATS. A log of all remote command requests that have been
made for a collar can also be viewed on the web account by clicking the “View Commands
Issued” button for the collar.
Once ATS receives the remote command, the command is held in a buffer by the Iridium
satellite system until
the G2110E2 performs a data transmission, in which case the
command will be delivered
until five days elapses, in which case the command is erased
from the satellite data buffer per Iridium protocol, whichever comes first. If the latter is likely to
occur, issue the command within five days of the expected data transmission.
The G2110E2 will change its schedule after it receives the remote command, not after the
command is issued. Only one remote command may be executed per data transmission. If you
wish, you may send multiple remote commands to be processed later by the collar but you must
wait until you receive a confirmation email for each request before you send another request.
Section 9 Satellite Transmission Suppression
Sometimes a satellite transmission cannot be completed at the scheduled time due to satellite
positioning and/or the current environment. In this case, the collar will keep attempting a
transmission every 12 minutes. If a transmission cannot be completed for 10 consecutive
attempts, the collar will enter Satellite Transmission Suppression (STS). In STS, normal satellite