11 12.22.2016
If you choose to use mortality when you program the collar with the ATS
for Satellite
Collars software, the collar will immediately initiate an email transmission sequence if the collar
goes into mortality. If successful, you will receive an email to let you know that the collar is in
mortality. In the event of a false mortality, it is possible that the collar may get out of mortality
before a successful transmission takes place. The email transmission will still be attempted until
ten attempts are reached and if successful will indicate mortality was
reached. Also, if the
satellite antennas do not have an adequate view of the sky, as may potentially occur with a true
mortality, no email may be received immediately following a mortality.
In addition to the mortality email, the VHF will change to the Mortality VHF. The mortality
VHF will override a duty cycle if one has been set up.
In order for the G2110E2 to exit mortality mode, the collar must undergo thirty seconds of
activity. (The thirty seconds of activity does not have to be consecutive but should be within the
mortality period chosen.)
Neolink Events
If your G2110E2 collar is part of a
system and is programmed to detect
it will regularly attempt to detect the presence of a
device such as the M3930U (VIT) or
the M4230U (expandable fawn collar). If certain conditions are met for the
devices, the
G2110E2 will transmit an alarm to the customer to signify the event. See Sections 12, 13, and 14
for more details. If the
system is not necessary, it should not be enabled in order to save
battery life.