Instruction manual - GB
11. Fire prevention during installation and use of heating appliances
Selected from ČSN 061008 – Fire safety of local appliances and heat sources.
Safe distances
When installing the appliance, keep a minimum safe distance of 200 mm from building materials.
This distance is valid for boilers and flue-gas ducts positioned near flammable materials of the B, C1
and C2 flammability class (the flammability classes are listed in chart 1). It is necessary to double
the 200 mm safe distance if the boilers and flue-gas ducts are placed near flammable materials of C3
class (see chart 1). It is also necessary to double the safe distance if the flammability class of the mate-
rial in question cannot be determined. The safe distance can be decreased to one half (to 100 mm) if a
heat insulating, non-combustible screen (asbestos board) of a 5-mm minimum thickness, is placed 25
mm from the protected combustible material (so called flammable insulation). The screening board
or protection screen (on the protected object) must exceed the boiler outline including its flue-gas duct
on each side by at least 150 mm and by at least 300 mm above its upper surface. The screening board
or protection screen must be also used for all fixtures and fittings from combustible materials in cases
where the safe distance cannot be maintained (such as in mobile structures or wooden cottages etc. -
for more details see ČSN 061008 standard). The safe distance must be maintained even when placing
fixtures and fittings near the boilers.
If boilers are placed on floors from combustible materials, the floor must be fitted with a non-com-
bustible, heat insulating pad exceeding the boiler’s ground-outline on the side where the stoking and
ash-pan apertures are, by at least 300 mm (in front of the aperture) and on all the other sides by at
least 100 mm. The non-combustible, heat-insulating pad can be made from any material of the „A“
flammability class.
Chart 1
Flammability classes of building
materials and products
A – non-combustible
granite, sandstone, concrete, bricks, ceramic tiles, mortars,
fireproofing plasters etc.
B – non-easily flammable
Akumin, Izomin, Heraklit, Lignos, basalt felt boards, fibre
glass boards, Novodur
C1 – low degree of flammability
deciduous tree wood (oak, beech), Hobrex boards, plywood,
Sirkolit, Werzalit, hardened paper (Formica, Ecrona)
C2 – medium degree of flammability
coniferous tree wood (pine tree, larch, spruce), chipboards
and cork boards, rubber flooring (Industrial, Super)
C3 – high degree of flammability
fibreboards (Hobra, Sololak, Sololit), cellulose materials,
polyurethane, polystyrene, polyethylene, foamed PVC
In circumstances when there is a risk of temporary access of flammable gases
or fumes, or during works when a temporary fire or explosion risk may possibly occur (such
as gluing linoleum, PVC etc.) the boilers must be put out of operation long enough before
the risk occurrence.
No items from flammable materials may be placed on the boilers or
near them in a distance lower than the specified safe distance (more
ČSN EN 13501-1)