Hardware Description
AT18F-DK3 Configurator Development Kit User Guide
Push-button Switches with Selectable Jumpers for I/O Pins
Eight push-button switches with selectable jumpers are shown on the ATF15xx-DK3 Base Board of the
AT18F-DK3 kit. However, these components were designed for other Atmel adapter boards such us the
ATF15xx Series CPLDs and they are not intended to be used with ATF15xxDK3-SAX20 socket adapter
for AT18F Series Configurators. Therefore, there is no detailed description about these components in
this user guide, if you need additional information, see the ATF15xx-DK3 Kit user guide.
Figure 2-4.
Circuit Diagram of the Push-button Switches and Jumpers for the I/O Pins
Push-button Switches with Selectable Jumpers for GCLR and OE1 Pins
Two push-button switches for the Global Clear (GCLR) and Output Enable (OE1) with selectable jump-
ers are shown on the ATF15xx-DK3 Base Board of the AT18F-DK3 kit. However, these components
were designed for other Atmel adapter boards such us the ATF15xx Series CPLDs and they are not
intended to be use with ATF15xxDK3-SAX20 socket adapter for AT18F Series Configurators. Therefore,
there is no detailed description about these components in this user guide, if you need additional infor-
mation, see the ATF15xx-DK3 Kit user guide.
Figure 2-5.
Circuit Diagram of Push-button Switches and Selectable Jumpers for GCLR and OE1