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RS-232 Command for the Output parameters
The RS-232 status command will provide feedback for the current parameters for each transmitter/
(See example of feedback below)
Current RS232 parameter:
- Zone 1 :BaudRate 2400bps, DataBits 0, Parity None, StopBits 1.
- Zone 2 :BaudRate 115200bps, DataBits 0, Parity ODD, StopBits 1.
- Zone 3 :BaudRate 9600bps, DataBits 0, Parity None, StopBits 1.
RS-232 zones 1-10 correspond with the RS-232 ports on the back of the switcher. There are additional zones for
switcher and HDBaseT port pass through.
Zone 11 = HDBaseT input port 1
Zone 12 = HDBaseT input port 2
Zone 13 = HDBaseT input port 3
Zone 14 = HDBaseT output port 1
Zone 15 = HDBaseT output port 2
Default for the switcher is: Baud rate-115200bps, Data length-8bit, Parity-None, Stop Bit-1
Command for Switcher Parameters
(data, parity, and stop bit for switcher must be 8,0,1)
For example if you wish to change the baud rate of the switcher to 38400 the command would
look like this:
Using the command
will display the current parameters of the switcher
Baud Rate
Zone RS-232 port conifiguration must match the connected device on all parameters including
baud rate, data-length, parity, and stop-bit. These parameters can easily be set using the WebGUI
or following commands through RS-232 or TCP/IP.
The baud rate for the switcher is for switcher control and the transmitter/receiver baud
rate is for control of the RS-232 device in zone.
All commands from your control processor are
at the settings for the switcher. The switcher will modify the baud rate and other settings to these
set parameters by zone.
Baud rate options 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, or 230400