ME Standard Manual
2.5 Boiler room arrangements
The Multi-elec Standard must be installed:
• In an adequately-ventilated boiler room with ambient temperature below 30°C
and relative humidity maintained between 30% and 80% and where condensation
does not occur
• In a non-corrosive atmosphere
• In a non-explosive atmosphere
• Where there is good access to the boiler position for installation and maintenance
• Where there is good access for delivery, off-loading and positioning
• Using similar materials in the in the pipework, and avoiding materials leading to electrolytic
action and system deterioration
The Multi-elec Compacte is not suitable for external installation
2.6 Commissioning
• The boiler must be completely full of water before the heating elements are switched on.
To ensure 100% filling, manual and automatic vents must be in effective positions where
complete air clearance can be guaranteed.
• The boiler can be filled with water by connecting a fill hose to the boiler drain valve and partly
opening the valve.
• The boiler safety valve can also be used firstly to vent the boiler at filling and, secondly,
ensuring the blow-down facility of the valve is clear in case of use.
• Commissioning is recommended by Atlantic 2000 or an authorised engineer for
Atlantic equipment.