Modbus frame parameters (Code 30 to 61):
These parameters are ‘buffered’ para
meters: one or more parts of the configuration can be
applied/accessed. Refer to the document ‘ATIM_ACW
DLConfig_UG_FR_vx.pdf’ for more details.
The buffer for this parameter consists of 6 bytes, as follows:
Octet 1
Octet 2
Octet 3
Octet 4
Octet 5
Octet 6
Function code
Number of
By default, all these bytes are set to 0.
Function code
Byte 1
bits 0 to 2:
This parameter corresponds to the Modbus function code. The possible values in byte 1 for these bits are:
0x01 = Function code 0x01, Read Coils.
0x02 = Function code 0x02, Read Discrete Inputs.
0x03 = Function code 0x03, Read Holding Registers.
0x04 = Function code 0x04, Read Input Registers.
: By default, the value is 0x00. If a frame is activated (number of registers or bits is non-zero) and this
value is set to 0x00, this will cause an internal error when the frames are sent.
Byte 1
bit 7:
This parameter is masked with the function code parameter to concatenate multiple registers from multiple
Modbus frames in a single radio frame. The possible values in byte 1 for these bits are:
0x00 = No concatenation or creates a new radio frame.
0x80 = Activates concatenation of the registers read in with the previous radio frame.
If the first frame (Code 30) activates concatenation, this frame will be considered as deactivated.
If a frame activates concatenation (e.g. Code 42) and the preceding frame is not activated (e.g. Code
41), then this frame will be considered as deactivated.
Byte 2:
This parameter corresponds to the Modbus ID or the address of the Modbus slave.