Type of serial link:
Only RS485
Serial link baud rate:
1200 bps
2400 bps
4800 bps
9600 bps
19200 bps (default)
38400 bps
57600 bps
115200 bps
Serial link parity:
No parity (default): N
Even: E
Odd: O
Number of bits for the serial link:
7 bits
8 bits (default)
Number of stop bits for the serial link:
1 bit (default)
2 bits
Frame period:
A complete radio cycle is composed of two phases: 1/ sending requests to one or several Modbus slave(s),
2/ broadcasting retrieved Modbus data via radio communication.
During requesting phase, up to 32 Modbus request frames are sent through serial link to slave Modbus
equipment, which return data requested by the ACW-DINRSM.
During radio emission phase, Modbus registers or bits retrieved by ACW-DINRSM are broadcast under one
or several frames according to the configuration.
The interval for this cycle is once per hour by default but can be configured for intervals ranging from 10
minutes to 28 days, in increments of 1 minute.