Modbus Slave mode configuration (LoRaWAN)
Setup available for LW8 (LoRaWAN) references Software 1.7 Revision A.3 or prior.
The following information applies to the ACW / LW8-DINRS.
In this operating mode, the ACW / LW8-DINRS is seen as a Modbus slave on the RS232 or RS485 serial link.
You can write up to 16 registers in a single Modbus request.
1: Serial parameters: The ACW / LW8-DINRS module has a serial link that can be set in RS232 or
RS485 mode. You must also specify the speed (Baudrate) you want to use: 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, and 115200 are available. The other default and non-configurable parameters are: 1
stop bit, no parity, no flow control and 8 data bits.
2: LoRa parameters: Check 'Enable OTAA' to activate the 'Over The Air Activation' mode. Uncheck
'Enable OTAA' to activate 'Activation By Customization' mode.