Remote Analog
Option #80, #81, #82, #83, #84: Remote Analog
Option Description:
Remote setpoints use either voltage or current inputs,
depending on the specified option:
Option 80: 0-5 V
Option 81: 1-5 V
Option 82: 0-20 mA
Option 83: 4-20 mA
Option 84: 0-10 V
The input signal is scalable in the Remote Analog Setpoint Menu. Activation of the
analog setpoint causes the F1 indicator to illuminate. For current (mA) options, the
input resistance is 255 ohms. For voltage input options, the input resistance is greater
than 10K ohms.
*Ground shield at one end, taking care not to run wires next to power circuitry.
Maximum length will be determined by noise performance.