® Urheberrecht ATH-Heinl GmbH & CO.KG, Alle Rechte vorbehalten / Druckfehler und technische Änderungen vorbehalten / Stand: 2022-04
Produkthersteller ATH-Heinl GmbH & CO.KG
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Lubrication plan
Inspection period:
Type of oil or fat
Lifting chain
Chain spray
Bolts for lifting chain
Multipurpose grease
Multipurpose grease
Synchronizing ropes
Adhesive grease
Support arm lock
Axles of the pulleys and safety
Multipurpose grease
Maintenance and service instructions
Oil level check
1. Lower the lift completely
2. Remove the tank cap
3. Check the oil level on the tank cap
Oil change
1. Lower the lift completely
2. Remove the oil filler plug
3. Carefully remove the oil drain plug and allow the oil to flow into a suitable container.
Clean the tank and oil filter to avoid premature contamination of the hydraulic oil.
4. After the oil has been completely drained, close the tank with the oil drain plug
5. Fill the new oil into the oil tank
6. Raise and lower the lift and check that the maximum lift height is still correct. Refill carefully if
The used oil must be disposed of in compliance with all statutory provisions.
Bleeding the hydraulic system
Lower the lift completely.
Press the lower button and simultaneously press the two lifting pistons down to the minimum.