® Copyright ATH-Heinl GmbH & Co. KG, 2019, All rights reserved / Misprints and technical changes reserved / As of: 2019-01
Manufacturer ATH-Heinl GmbH & CO.KG
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Visual inspection (authorised expert)
Inspection Certificate
relating to a regular / extraordinary inspection / audit *)
The device has undergone a readiness test.
No / the following *) defects were found:
Inspection contents: functional and visual inspection according to specifications
Pending partial inspection:
There were no *) concerns arising from commissioning, an audit is not *) required.
(Place, date)
(Technical expert signature)
Confirmation of acceptance:
(Name of technical expert)
(Employed at)
Operator (company stamp, date, signature)
Faults noted **) ________________________________________________________
Faults remedied **) ____________________________________________________________________
Delete if not applicable
Confirmation of operator or a representative with date and signature