Configuring the COM Port
Select the PCI Serial Port you want to configure (for example COM3) by right
clicking the mouse, then click “
Click the “
Port Settings
” to configure the Bits per second, Data bits, Parity, Stop
bits and Flow control if you need to adjust the settings.
There are three kinds of flow control: Xon/Xoff, Hardware and None. Xon/Xoff
uses a software protocol, Hardware flow control uses RTS/CTS, but the RTS/CTS
is controlled by software. None means there is no flow control.
Click the “
” if you want to set more advanced features.
Configure the “Enable Auto CTS/RTS Flow Control”, “16/32/64 bytes FIFO length”,
and Receive/Transmit Buffer trigger level if you want to change.
The 128K software FIFO adjusting only supports Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP /
2003 OS. You can change the FIFO size and COM port number as needed.