To setting 26.100 mm for X axis;
Setting Half Value of The Display Value (Milling, Bohrwerk)
With the included keyboard you can get the half value of the axis you want. Firstly the select the axis which you want
to get half value and press ½ function button.
To get half value of the X axis which shows 50.000;
Diameter Mode (Lathe):
With this mode, designed for lathe machines the measured value is showed as 2 times. It is valid on X axis. To
activate this function X axis is selected and½button is pressed. When the function is active “Diameter Mode” LED
On X axis which shows 50.000 value to activate diameter mode;
Center Find (Milling, Bohrwerk)
It is used to find centre of the work piece on XY plane according to teached points. The 4 point of the work piece
must be teached.
Please press “5” button and press enter to enter the function. Contact the tool edge on the first point on X axis as
“Position 1” and press enter to save. Contact the tool edge on Point 2 for position 2 and press enter. For 3 point
contact the tool edge to Point 3 on Y axis for position 3 and press enter. As last contact the tool edge for Point 4 and
press enter to save. You will see “OK” writting on the screen. When you press enter you will see the coordinates to
find the centre by moving. When you move the table up to make zero the coordinates you will be found the centre.
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