Product Features
© 2017, ATEÏS, member of PAX ProAV Group
The BPA is a 2U 19" rack-mountable, 2-channel amplifier, transformer isolated for 100V, 50V, 8 ohm or
70V, 35V, 8 ohm loudspeakers. The 2 line inputs are with a balanced 3-pin XLR input and a balanced 3-
pin phoenix input. The BPA amplifier range consists of five models: BPA-2060(60W x 2), BPA-2120(120W
x 2), BPA-2240(240W x 2), BPA-2480(480W x 2) and BPA-1000(1000W x 1). The BPA-2060, BPA-2120, BPA-
2240, BPA-2480 can be paralleled or bridged by combining 2 channels to double the power wattage.
The BPA amplifier is designed to have protection of short-to-ground, short-circuit, overload and
temperature overheat.
Front Panel
VU Meter:
The VU-meter is composed of three LEDs that represent three different level thresholds: -40dB, -
20dB and 0dB. When the input signal reaches those thresholds, the corresponding LED will blink.