4.3.3 Create a Voice Menu
After logging into the web page of IP08, please click on
Voice Menus
Create New VoiceMenu
I create a voice menu like the following:
When the call comes from port 2, the system will play a record sound file, if the caller presses 1,
user 6001 will ring, if the caller presses 2, user 6005 will ring. If the caller does not press any key,
the call will go to 6001.
You can also configure IP04 to let 6030 call outside and get incoming call by IP04, the steps are
the same as IP08, you can refer to configuration of IP08.
4.4 How to Call Each Other Directly from Different Network
Take the user 6020, 6005 and 6001 for example, I will configure router, users and IP08, then the
three users can call each other directly.
Set up router
From the web page of your router, please configure the IP address, subnet mask and default
gateway of WAN port, I configured a static IP Address; Subnet Mask:;
Default Gateway: You can refer to the following: