At last, please click on
button, and click on
Apply Changes
button in up right corner of the
main page.
3.10 Time Intervals
Time Intervals defines ranges of working time that will be used by call routing features. Please
select the
Time Intervals
option from the vertical menu on the left of the main page, then you can
get the following screen:
Click on
New Time Interval
button on the illustration above, the following screen is where you
create and set up time interval:
Time Interval Name
: a unique label to help you identify the time interval when listed in
incoming calling rules. I set up timeinterval1 as time interval name.
By day of week
: I select it from Monday to Friday, the incoming call rule only works from
Monday to Friday.
: I set up it from 09:00 AM to 06:30 PM, the incoming call rule only works from 09:00 AM
to 06:30 PM.
At last, please click on
button, and click on
Apply Changes
button in up right corner of
the main page.