The reasons for avoiding its use in high quality systems, such as
ATC systems, are these:
High quality systems have enough dynamic range and bass
extension without the use of Bass Management. Less software
processing of the source material implies less potential for
undesirable artefacts.
Without accurate knowledge of the acoustic character of
satellite and Subwoofer it is impossible for Bass Management to
achieve a flat overall frequency response. Similarly the phase
response will be unpredictable.
Bass Management encourages the crossover frequency
between Subwoofer and satellites to be above the onset of
directionality in the Subwoofer output. The resulting ability to
hear the location of the Subwoofer is clearly to be avoided.
When a significant proportion of the frequency range is
separated from the satellites and passed to the Subwoofer, any
difference in the dynamic behaviour between the two types of
loudspeaker will cause the system frequency response to change
with output level.
The addition of filter slopes to the existing roll-off shapes of
the loudspeakers may incur time-domain ringing and audible
There is a good argument for the use of Bass Management in
modest, cost sensitive systems with restricted dynamic range.
However, when applied to high quality systems the side effects
are likely to be intrusive. We strongly recommend that Bass
Management should not be used with ATC loudspeakers in
domestic applications.
3 :
A m p l i f i c a t i o n
The choice of partnering amplifier for the C1C and C3C will
have significant influence on the performance of the system.
Consider the following when selecting the amplifier:
With any passive loudspeaker there is a trade-off between
low frequency extension and sensitivity. The C1C and C3C’s
extended low frequency response means that their sensitivity is
relatively low. It is advisable therefore to select an amplifier of
relatively high power capabilities. Use of an under specified
amplifier will result in distortion at high levels and may risk
damage. Valve or solid state amplifiers with high output
impedance should be auditioned carefully to establish that their
characteristic reduced damping at low frequencies is acceptable.
The exceptional distortion performance of the C1C and
C3C combined with very wide dispersion will ruthlessly reveal
deficiencies in ancillary equipment. It is advisable therefore to
audition the C1C or C3C with your proposed amplifier and
ancillary system.
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