During a two week leave in February 2007, I got a little bored.
So I decided to make use of my skills in circuit developing, microcontroller programming
and printed circuit board design in order to refresh my attainments.
Luckily, I had some left over Flash-EEPROMs in my hobbyist-box which, for a long time, I
wanted to put to use.
As a Lynx fanatic, I stumbled upon several demo and games on the Internet, but with
burning EEPROMs being rather time consuming, I impulsively made the decision to build a
FlashCard for the Lynx.
With this FlashCard, I want to give a tool to demo and game developers, which hopefully
will help to increase the homebrew-scene around the Lynx, at least a little. I would be very
glad to see some of the projects, even those already started, being completed with the
help of the FlashCard.
After two years of developing this card, I'm looking forward to using my Lynx only for
playing, for quite some time.
Bernd Thomas June 2009
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