1. Product Safety
Chapter Overview
This chapter contains product safety information for
the RC-100 Rubber Track Loaders. Read this chap-
ter and understand all safety messages and informa-
tion messages before attempting to service the
Safety Messages
Safety messages are provided in this document and
on the machine. If
these hazard warnings are not
heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or
other persons.
Hazards are identified by the Safety Alert Symbols
The meaning of these safety alerts is as follows:
Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.
The message that appears under a Safety Alert
Symbol explains the hazard and can be either writ-
ten or pictorially presented.
This symbol is used to alert service personnel of an
imminently hazardous situation that will result in seri-
ous injury or death.
This symbol is used to alert service personnel of a
potentially hazardous situation that could result in
serious injury or death.
This symbol is used to alert service personnel of an
unsafe practice that could result in injury.
Information Messages
Information messages are provided in this document
and on the machine. These messages are identified
by the labels
This label is used to alert service personnel to the possibil-
ity of damaging the equipment.
This label is used to provide important additional
information, comments, explanations or amplification of
the accompanying subject matter.
The person servicing the Rubber Track Loader may
be unfamiliar with many of the systems on the ma-
chine. This makes it important to use caution when
performing service work. Knowledge of the system
and/or components is important before the removal
or disassembly of any component.
It is not possible to anticipate every circum-
stance that might involve a potential hazard. The
safety messages in this document and on the
product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If you
use a tool, procedure, work method or operating
technique that is not specifically recommended
by the manufacturer, you must satisfy yourself
that it is safe for you and for others. You should
also ensure that the product will not be damaged
or be made unsafe by the operation, lubrication,
maintenance or repair procedures that you
Basic Precautions
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair
of this product can be dangerous and could result in
injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, mainte-
nance or repair on this product until you have read
and understood the operation, lubrication, mainte-
nance and repair information.
Following is a list of basic precautions that should
always be observed.
Safety Signs
Read and understand all "Safety" signs on the prod-
uct before operating, lubricating or repairing this
product. Replace any damaged, illegible or missing
safety plates, signs or decals.