Chapter 2: There’s no place like Home
ZenUI Keyboard
ZenUI Keyboard allows you to enjoy a faster, smoother and easier one-hand typing experience.
Resizing your ZenUI keyboard
Get comfortable as you customize your preferred keyboard size on the screen.
To resize your ZenUI keyboard:
1. From the toolbar of the ZenUI Keyboard, tap >
Resize keyboard
Editing texts
Accurately select a word, a phrase or a paragraph to cut , copy or paste.
To edit texts with your ZenUI keyboard:
1. From the toolbar of the ZenUI Keyboard, tap >
Text editing
2. Drag
up / down to increase / decrease the height of your ZenUI Keyboard.
3. Drag
to the right / left to increase / decrease the width of your ZenUI Keyboard.
4. Drag
to move the ZenUI keyboard to your desired area.