Chapter 4
BIOS Setup
CMOS Setup Utility-Copyright(c) 1984-2001 Award Software
Standard CMOS Features
Advanced BIOS Features
Advanced Chipset Features
Integrated Peripherals
Power Management Setup
PnP/PCI Configurations
PC Health Status
ESC: Quit
F10: Save & Exit Setup
Load Optimized Defaults
: Select Item
IWILL Smart Setting
Load Fail-Safe Defaults
Load Optimized Defaults
Set Supervisor Password
Set User Password
Save & Exit Setup
Exit Without Saving
Enter Password:
be required to enter the password every tim e you try to en ter BIOS Setup
program . This prevents an unauthorized person from changing any part
of your system configuration. Additionally, if the Security Option field is
set as Boot, the BIOS will request a password every tim e your system
boot. This would prevent unauthorized use of your com puter.
If you wish to use this function, bring the cursor to this field, then press
<E nter>. The com puter will display the m essage, “E nter Password”.
Type your password and press <E nter>. After the m essage onfirm
P assword” is displayed, re-type your password. The Supervisor
P assword function will be in effect after you save and exit setup.
To disable a password, bring the cursor to this field, then press <E nter>.
The com puter will display the m essage, “
E nter P assword”. P ress
<E nter>. A m essage will confirm that the password is disabled. Once the
password is disabled, the system will boot and you can enter setup
program freely.
These setup pages are used for password setting. When a password has
been enabled and the Security Option field is set as Setup, you will
Set Supervisor/ User Password Setting