Proce ssor / (Socket478)
Supports 1 processors
Supports 400M FSB ( Front Side Bus)
Supports Intel P entium 4 C P U from 1.4 to 1.7 GH z and higher.
CPU Frequency/Voltage Selection
Supports Vcore selection from BIOS
Supports C PU Multiplier selection from BIOS
Supports C P U E xternal Frequency selection from BIOS
Supports P C 100/P C 133 SD R AM
Supports E C C D IMMs (Single bit error C orrection, Multiple bit error
D etection)
Supports 16M /64M/128M/256M/512M D R AM technology
Supports up to 3GB when using 512M technology D R AM
Supports D IMM type 64Mb/128Mb/256Mb Technolog ies for x8 and x16
Graphi cs
Suppo rts AGP 4X1.5V ON LY
General I/O
P C I 2.1/2.2 com pliance
Supports 32-bit/33MH z P C I interface
Supports LP C interface
Suppo rts ATA33/ATA66 /ATA100 ID E inte rface
Supports Floppy interface
Supports 16550A U AR T interface
Supports E C P /E P P interface
Supports P S2 interface
Supports SIR /FIR /C IR interface
Supports U SB interface
Sound support
H W Sound controller on board
Supp orts C MI8738 H /W 6 C hann el and SP D IF
Supports Gam e/MID I interface
Supports Win9X/WinN T/Win2000/Linux/N et Ware.