Chapter 4
BIOS Setup
IWILL MicroStepping
Microstepping is Iwill's another step forward to provides users a
fuss free CP U frequency set up procedure. It contains two m ain
functions, Auto D etecting C P U s speed and Micro Adjustable C P U
FSB speed.
Auto Detecting CPU speed:
IWILL MicroStepping will auto detect the C P U 's factory m ultiplier
setting and C P U FSB to the factory default. This function provides
a "fuss free" C P U set up process for the general users.
Micr o Adjustable CPU FSB spe ed:
IWILL provides a user friendly overclocking function that allows
users to experience the fun of overclocking. This function allows
user to adjust C P U FSB by 1MH z interval. This is particularly
useful when user wants to extract the m ost out of the purchased
C P U . For exam ple: you select from 133, 134, 135, 136, 137,
138MH z and up to the m axim um speed that the system can
sustained.In the tim e should overclocking failed, MicroStepping
will auto detects the C P U 's factory m ultiplier setting and set the
C P U FSB to default 66MH z, to protect the C P U installed.
Spread Spectrum
This item configures radiation em itted from the system . When
enabled, system will release less radiation
[E nabled,D isabled(
Default Value
CPU Vcore Setting
This item display the current status of C P U voltages.
[Au to
(De fault Value),
1.1 25V, 1.150V, 1.1 75V, 1.200V,1.22 5V,
1.250 V,1.275V,1.300V,1.325V,1.350V,1.37 5V,1.400V,1 .425V,
1.450 V,1.525V,1.550V,1.575V,1.600V,1.62 5V,1.650V,1 .675V,
1.700V,1.725V,1.750 V,1.775V,1.8 00V,1.825V,1 .850V]
BIOS-ROM Flash P rotect
When select “N on flash”, the BIOS R OM chip will be protecte to
prevent injuring by Virus “please don’
t select Flashable” until you
have to upgrade the latest BIOS.
[N on-Flash(
Default Value
), Flashable]