IP = Mask = means all IPs
IP = Mask = all IPs in 192.168.x.x subnet
To define the protocol in the rule.
ALL = All IP packet
TCP = TCP packet only
UDP = UDP packet only
ICMP = ICMP packet only
To define the TCP/UDP port number in the rule. Null entry means all ports.
To add a new defined Rule in the Rule List. It will have effect after this action, but, the new setting will disappear after
ADSL router restarts unless you do SAVE (see below).
To delete a pre-defined Rule from the Rule List. The rule number MUST be entered in NO. It will have effect after this
action, but the new setting will disappear after ADSL router restarts.
To remove all Rules in the Rule List. It will have effect after this action, but, the new
setting will disappear after ADSL router restarts.
To write the current setting to flash memory. The new settings are available after ADSL
router restarts.
To go to Groups Sub-menu
To return IP Filter Configuration Menu
List of Rules
It displays the current status of all groups.
6.6 Firmware
To accomplish a firmware upgrade you will need the Asus Firmware Update software application which is available for the
downloads section of the Solwise site, www.solwise.co.uk/downloads.htm (it is assumed that you are using a standard PC
running Windows 9x or similar). Also, of course, the latest firmware file for upload. Contact Solwise direct or your dealer
for these files. DO NOT GO TO THE ASUS SITE FOR THIS. Solwise have their own, special firmware for UK use. You
cannot get this from the Asus site. To be kept informed of firmware releases as they happen you can also send and email to
the ev firmware mailing list. Just send a blank email (with a valid reply-to address) to [email protected].
Upgrade Procedure:
1.Set up the modem and pc ip address in the same subnet.
2.power on the modem.
3.After the modem has booted up then run the upgrade utility.
4.Enter the router username and password ("adsl" with password "adsl1234" is the default).
5.Click the button "open" to choose the "71146a1.hex"
6.Click the button "upgrade"