temperature, the dot does not appear. The regulator allows
adjustment of the temperature within the range of 65-85°C.
Lamp 3 “Firing on” indicates the active status of the boiler.
This lamp lights up when the ventilator is switched on using the
button 3 (Fig. 9) on the front control panel and regulation of the
ventilator speed starts. The ventilator can be in operation mode
only when the signal lamp 3 (Fig. 11) lights.
Lamp 4 lights up when the boiler turns to the mode
“Firing off”. This boiler operation mode is established if
the following condition occurs:
• if during operation the temperature of flue gases drops
bellow 75°C and does not rise for some time.
Lamp 5 “Pump on” lights up when the regulator switches
on the circulation pump of the system. In accordance with the
manufacturer’s settings, this occurs when the boiler water
temperature exceeds 60°C. The pump is switched off, when
the firing in the boiler nears the end and the temperature of
the flue gases drops below 75° C. Then, pump indicator lamp 5 switches off as well. Service programming mode can be used to adjust
other limit temperatures for switching the circulation pump on (in the range of 55-73°C) and off (in whatever temperature range). To
carry out such adjustment, a servicing company should be contacted.
Lamp 6 “Ventilator on” lights up when the boiler ventilator is operating. The more frequently it blinks, the higher the
rotational speed of the ventilator is, since its blinking frequency corresponds to the impulse frequency of the power supply to
the ventilator. If this lamp is lighting constantly, it means that the ventilator is operating at 100% of its capacity.
Lamp 7 signals that the programming output channel is switched on. Button 8 is used for service programming and can
only be used by the specialists of the service company. We do not recommend the user to modify the programming modes.
Button 8 is multipurpose, and is used for some support functions and service programming.
The boiler regulator is connected to the boiler circuit in accordance with the scheme shown in Fig. 12. The power supply L2, stemming
from the front control panel and transferred to the regulator, is switched on when switches 2 and 3 (Fig. 9) are in the position ON and the
emergency thermostat has not tripped. The impulse commutator regulating the ventilator connects periodically L2 to L3. When the boiler
switches to status “Firing off”, L3 does not supply power to the ventilator and lamp 4 (Fig. 11) lights up. To return to the mode “Firing on”,
the power supply L2 should be interrupted by switching off the ventilator switch 3 (Fig. 9) or the power supply of the boiler (on/off button
2, Fig. 9), and later turning them on. The pump control relay connects L4 to L1. The programmable channel relay connects P to L1.
The power of the operating ventilator ranges between 20÷100 VA. The maximum allowed power of the circulation pump
connected to the regulator is 250 VA. The maximum allowed power of the programmable channel is 250 VA.
• PreParation for firinG
Before kindling the boiler, check the position of the ceramic chopper 2 in the lower combustion chamber: the edge of the
chopper must be in contact with the rear wall of the boiler (Fig. 2). Place two ceramic segments 3 (Fig. 2) on the chopper so
that they contact the walls of the boiler chamber.
Fill the heating system with water. The filling pressure should be 0.2 bar bigger than the hydrostatic pressure, yet it must
not exceed the operating pressure of the boiler. After filling the system with water, perform a visual check of the tightness of
the entire system. Perform it before kindling the boiler, then again after kindling and reaching the nominal operating mode.
Check if the heating system is properly deaerated.
L1, N- reguliatoriaus maitinimas;
L2 - ventiliatoriaus maitinimas;
L3 - įtampa į ventiliatorių;
L4 - įtampa į siurblį;
P - įtampa į programuojamą išėjimą;
U - vandens temperatūros jutiklis;
U - dūmų temperatūros jutiklis.
Rear panel of the regulator
fig. 12 Regulator connection diagram
L1, N – power supply to the regulator; L2- power supply from front control
panel to the ventilator; L3 – voltage to the ventilator; L4 – voltage to
the pump; P – voltage to the programmable channel; U – boiler water
temperature sensor.