Astivita Limited ABN 46 139 461 733
Copyright 2014 Astivita Limited
Astivita Limited
172 Ingram Road,
Acacia Ridge QLD 4110
Ph: 1300 302 084
Fax: (07) 3726 2099
Valves and fittings for connecting the solar panels on the roof and the storage tank are supplied.
The temperature of the water at the outlet connection on the panels may reach 150°C or more
and therefore only copper pipe can be used between the panels, storage tank and boosting
Class B copper pipe should be used and the runs should be as short as possible to reduce
heat losses.
The pipes MUST be lagged using thick-walled foam of at least 19mm thickness, RO.6 and
should be weather proofed and UV stabilized.
If insulation is not UV stabilized, it must be protected by a suitable UV resistant paint.
Pre-cut pieces of insulation and cable ties are provided to insulate the pipework fittings. The
areas to be insulated are: inlet pipework fittings to the panel, the outlet pipework fittings, and
on 2 & 3 panel systems the joiners between the panels. These fittings must be insulated to
protect them from freezing in cold areas. Warranty may be void if not fitted. Refer to the Solar
Panel Layout drawings for location and installation detail.
Water may drip from the pipe of the
pressure-relief device. This pipe must be left open to the atmosphere
Note: The copper pipework and specified insulation is to be supplied and fitted by the installer.
The solar water heater is equipped with two Plumbing Mounting Kits as follows:
Ground Kit
– Ground Mounting Kit supplied as part of the Solar Water Heater Tank
installation package.
Roof Kit
– Roof Mounting Kit supplied as part of the Solar Collector installation package.
(Standard kit supplied & referred to in this manual
be used for Cyclonic installations.
For Cyclonic Installation please contact Astivita for alternate Installation kit.)
Both kits are designed to provide the installing plumber with all parts required for a normal
installation. Additional components required for installation are to be supplied by the installing
The following items are contained within the Ground Mount Kit. Refer to section below entitled
“Solar Collector Installation” regarding componentry for Roof Mount Kit.
The Ground Kit Contains:
Glinki2 Brassware and Valves (Excluding PTR Valve which is contained in the water
heater tank packaging)
Installation Manual including commissioning check list to be completed and passed to the
Pump and Controller.
Stainless steel screws for mounting pump and controller may be found in GLINKI2 kit.