p. 7
. . . Your assistants
1. The DICTIONARY contains 9 books of dictionaries in total, including huge amount of words, useful phrases,
verb conjugations and idioms.
a) English-Russian (published by V.K. Muller, OOO «Ruskij Yazyk-Media» (Russia) Lic. №1-2006-1-10
from 10/01/06) contains about 60 000 dictionary articles (520 000 words);
b) Russian-English (published by A.I. Smitnitsky, OOO «Ruskij Yazyk-Media» (Russia) Lic. №1-2006-1-10
from 10/01/06) contains about 55 000 dictionary articles (480 000 words);
c) English-English explanatory dictionary – The American Heritage® Dictionary, contains about 37 000
dictionary articles (180 000 words);
d) English-Russian dictionary of economics and finances (published by A.V. Anikin) contains about 7 232
dictionary articles (75 000 words);
e) English-Russian juridical dictionary (published by S.N. Andrianov, NKC «RUSSO», Lic. №1-2006-1-10
from 10/01/06) contains about 8 327 dictionary articles (50 000 terms and terms combinations);
f) English-Russian medical dictionary (published by A.Y. Bolotin and E.O. Yakushev, NKC «RUSSO»,
Lic. №1-2006-1-10 from 10/01/06) contains about 8 263 dictionary articles (13 000 terms);
g) Russian-English medical dictionary (published by M.S. Benyumovich and V.L. Rivkin, NKC «RUSSO»,
Lic. №1-2006-1-10 from 10/01/06) contains about 19 964 dictionary articles (70 000 words, word com-
binations and terms);
h) English-Russian dictionary of modern abbreviations (published by V.A. Lutskevich, A.A. Ivanov, N.M.
Potashnikov and I.A. Samoilov, NKC «RUSSO», Lic. №1-2006-1-10 from 10/01/06) contains about
6 558 dictionary articles (7 000 abbreviations);
i) User’s dictionary is intended for saving 250 user’s own words and terms.