Elka MK55 Manual Download Page 1

Summary of Contents for MK55

Page 1: ...om I lie single keyboard of the MK 8B 55 28 programmable PERFORMANCE PRESETS art avfnlabte I hew are grrvipwl into 4 internal banks r l lb and A external banks of IS which are stored in a RAM cartridge I t h PERFORMANCE PRESET mertinn es all Hid pnsfjramrnaple functions SPLITS MIDI CHANNELS DYNAMICS etc and contains a Set Upr memory which controls be whote MIDI envirunmenl fPRO GRAM CHANGES VOL LI...

Page 2: ...h MIDI OU I L and MIDI OUT 2 are provided See MIDI CONNECTION EXAMPLES section for further Informalion From these two pairs of sockets all the MIDI da a necessary to set up control and play Ihe various Junc tions or any MIDI compatiOle Instrument EXPANDtH SYNTHESIZER PEDAE BOARD SEQUENCER elu will bo transmitted Oh a lOSSl Of 32 completely independent channels Furthermore The MIDI OUT 2 sockets al...

Page 3: ... can be seen in 1 he GENERAL CONTROLS section of the Matrix Control Panel fSJ under the heading Df PEDAL Further explanation of Ihe functions controlled by thnse pedals Is to be found in rho section G E N Efl At CONTROL S furltier a I read FOOTSWITCH ES Up tfi lour foot swilches MP 7 type optional can to connected to the MK S 55 The functions controlled by to of these FOOTSWITCH 1 and FOOTSWITCH 2...

Page 4: ... unK SO that completely dilfe rcnT sou i Js active across l ie kcyboaitt in me SPLIT anti FULL modes To make use c r She FULL MODE you shoo d connect an MP teolswfch ioptiunai extra to the FULL socket on Lhe tack pan o the Instrument In ihi way in die SPLIT ZONES that you program in ilm Fuu MODE will be made to runctxm or he entire length oT the keyboard when you activate this footswilch tl one of...

Page 5: ...ove the indicator light tothE desired section in parts 5 and 6 on matrix 3 Pmi SPLIT 1 in tin BANKS S PL IT FREE 19 RWp Ol buttons w the lower right hand sme of I he con ml panel 4 Lhe SPLH ONE should now be achvaled in one or bolh of the two modes using he buttons corre sponding to SPLIT ON aid FULL ON It should be remembered that Ll functions assigned In each SPLIT ONE will only heoperaliue when...

Page 6: ...ou can now proceed w tfi me initial selling up of the keyboard as ollews After assunng I hat ilia red mdicaior l gin is iLashlng in the SPuT POINT Hellion proceed as r rilnv y 1 Pres SPLIT 1 in tie BANK SPlLtfFREE group ot bullions 19 on the right o ihe display Hard liu button down until die display changes t proas lovast P 1 A 2 Press the barest key requited n flit SPl IT ZONE and fie drsp ay w I...

Page 7: ... the keyboard you will hear Ihe voice lliat has been programmed nr the external unit expander keyboard pedalboatd do that you have connected to the MK if you do not hear any sound cheek that a I hit MIDI cabin Is connected rwrealy o Iho MIDI OUT 1 socket bj thif cable is connected In LIig MIDI IN socket on Ihe external umt o SPLsT J has been activated SPLIT ON See point 4 in SPLIT POINT on page 5 ...

Page 8: ...rvingdisplay will be seen Split 1 1 0 p l a By the same means H you want to make a negative trarsposifon proceed a i follows 1 Press SET r corresponding to button 9 n Ihe central row ol buttons f Eft The display wtl I now sin fw sot nog transp F 1 A 2 As fn ttie positive transposition procedure press one of the keys on he keyboard txit Hits lime using 1 lie highest C as a reference pant For exampl...

Page 9: ...will r auit m a ii gh ctynam c value whilst Harder playing will decrease the dynamic value proiwitionalry according lu the curve chosen These are followed Jjy two fUed levels corresponding to 1 3and 2 3 of Ihe maximum level and DYNAMIC VALUE I tie control 0 which when selected l an be assigned to the PEDAL WHEEl U31 and SLIDER 2 Donlfols This procedure is fully captained m the GENERAL CONTROLS sec...

Page 10: ...lls 1 4 are positive curves whorens NQ s 5 3 are negative This means that when using the PITCH BEND effect for example increased pressure or the key will cause a rise En pitch with curves 1 4 and a felt in pitch with curves 5 The MK 38 55 Incorporates Hie rare facility ol being able to transmit POLYPHONIC AFTER TOUCH infor mation which only affects the particular note or notes that e ra pressure i...

Page 11: ...ered hy the AFTER TOUCH facility and vMl act 35 a volume CDnlFOF on Pe SPLIT ZONE bo Which they have byen assigned Usud to activate and CiSMllvalfi Ihe AFTER TOUCH as explained earlier JV a The TOUCH CHANNEL OlNt TOUCH POLY functions cotilfai SheAFTERTOUCH effects which haw been programmed into the relevant external unite Tlw other functions omride the AFTERTOUCH effects that have been programmed ...

Page 12: ...contra tod 2 Select the appropriate SPuT ZONES using the Pultons U W 1G te uw It central maln Fur ALTERNATE CHANNEL assignment see further a head 5 4 Proas the ballon on Ilia boMcm raw correspond ng lo th MIDI function that yflii warn to ahili atn w in lie conIre already selected in jwim 2 In Ihe of SUSTAIN PORTAMENTO 3GSTENUTQ and SOFT when programming Ihc FQOTSWITCH and FUNCTION contnofs you wiH...

Page 13: ... right under Ihe inaIri K TGI according tu whth output yctr want lo This will change ihe disr ay lo I nr the example we have entotod CH 13 and OUT l c h t n 2 Vil 64 P 1 A Sliowinj yuu thnl you have programmed CHANNEL 13 as hie MIDI transmission charnel and CUT I as the output socket Ynn should jw designate Ih function that you want tu control making your selection from ihe i functions and ft free...

Page 14: ... GENERAL CONTROLS 5 61 On be delayed mu id jnd lilt irsl note reproduced by the ECHO We adwHe yau to vaeci Ihe DYNAMIC curves r 8 tor the nasi realise sound when using Hie ECH i function N B The OELA YfECHO function wfil not play the nbto at the instant that you pfay the ftey tut In fact with j EfELA Y Therefore in order to use this function to the maximum you should program two SPLIT ZONES to sup...

Page 15: ...one of I he SPLIT ZONES in Ihe FULL MODE rf you intend Eh play on Sop of what you iccorrl m the LOOP I his is because when yon presi th tontewitoh Er tpimiiwlr the loop recording and enter into Ihe FULL MODE if nd SPLIT ZONES have been aclrvated in tfo s mode These rll r nv in Sitonl FIG H DELAV PCHO AND I OOP LENGTH SELECTION BUTTONS 4 Press START X which will both Lad the Rhythm Unit playing ard...

Page 16: ...arn nM ter example purposes the actual display lhat will appear after qiessibfi Hie RLAV button Zli as mentions oLxjw wilt depeivd on I he sellings program nied by you Tempo Preset Nn Bunk N etc You can now SAVE everything that nas been sel up in The previous praejamminKprocetJunes while In ihe RAM El mode T hr siting process also enables you to rnur uui e Hie TEMPO sewd This speed can Ini vailed ...

Page 17: ...ond ol Insertion in me cenlioi cursor posirion using liiearmvu marked buttons then press me INSERT button se Fig 10 At Lbli puml averyllihg that has been already written lion vjJirio ihiu cuiiiui is posillorcd to ha righ will be moved one place to Hie nghl llius erri din 4 stftlc m u Whn h yon can write anyllilnfl you require lV fi It should be remembered that each t me tbedtspfty h moved err plac...

Page 18: ...ft should be remembered that a PERFORMANCE PRESET memory contains dll the inltHinathn programmed in PANEL EOIT MIOi PATCHNAME TEMPO EXT SPLITS 5 6 and CHAIN When saving only a pad of these functions after carrying out the programming for protection against power failures etc or making a change m some part atready programmed an the remaining ppm of the PER FORMANCE PRESET will be saved again withou...

Page 19: ... LiAKK Shi L l IT LL cl on df duttons 19 on IIL rijjhl or Ilia di sfil jy I or itio OKamp d press 4 llier by sgfectirg SPLIT ZONE w 4 when lho display wi i Change to eater value 1 program ft 4 1 4 Vijij lurid IkrW enter IhH Vdllit tenuirtiJ in lliis OiiiO lili tlUfhbtr ol tlto PftOGRAM CHANCE VruU tan enter jn y nu niter from 1 128 For Uig purposa ol this exanio G you can enter 48 Haw press llto D...

Page 20: ...above icilnw pmcpfluru 1 Piey butlon 2 n Hie ctnlral low el bvltons 16 THd dismay v iH now ask the rclltftwn miftHtm split itr chajiJJ prog ram IX I 2 Al I his punit yap Should flic button corresponding Ed ALTERNATE CHANNEL 7 in lie rox tf burtons under roe ceolfsl marri line iled indicator in llu potion A lil n u ek Hashing ar d in ctapta w l show in P pss CTwrnne oirrim tnd d JiOVfJi bel 5 pmaa ...

Page 21: ... ny using the nuiribeiiw Duitoni tram 1 9 and ft in the raw under the central matrix For the purpose of IDE example you can enter 1J FreS DIKECT ENTEfl 20 fl shmiW he remembered when required to enter a VALUE that tor the ELKA PERFORMANCE and PRO GRAM rum tinns me value can t nom J 128 mclusiw while ior the other unctions it can be from 0 12 inclusive T he display w ll rtow rdijw lie fa tawing imt...

Page 22: ...SPLIT ZONE Transmits TOOT CONTROL data MIDI controller 4 This will function as a Genera Volume control on ELKA instruments Slops the transmisc on of NOTE ON information fora selected SPLIT ZONE particularly l scTil for the CHAIN feature I nese change the MID status of bc rnspfiC ue external unite Permits SONG selentier or Sequencers ario Rhythm Units Executes the same function as the START baton U...

Page 23: ...page 24 BANK Each BANK rnemurzes L6 PERFORMANCE PRESETS containing the riotn descr berj above one com plete series of f EE definable functions and one complete PERFORMANCE SEQUENCE ho instrument governs S barks A B C D E F G and H ot which a A E C and D are internally memorized and A E F G aic H are memorized external y ir a RAM Da nidge memory Ttie active BANK name wil always be That shewn to The...

Page 24: ... PRESET buttons 16 sen Fig 12 helow FIG 12 r itj i j ibM jh m a r r 3 3 k 1 I k II i a i 4 SAo OOtt mm n i j kmj ik l TO SAVE A PERFORMANCE PRESET proceed as to lows 1 If you want to SAVE the FRESTT in one of the positions of a BANK other than that shown in the display you can select this BANK by iroanfi of I ho DANK srl nctinn buttons in hs BAN K SPL l FREE Ct Oi 19 on the right ot the cortrol pa...

Page 25: ... control panel 3 It you select one of the BANKS E F G or h contained in Lhe RAM Cartridge then sheer that you have inserted 1 i j cartridge If this s not so ther tne display will shew _hg followirg message E R R 0 R insert Cart ridge 4j To cancel this message you can oiehar insert he RAM cartridge and then select a SANK from those contained ir he Cartridge E F G H or press any button or the panel ...

Page 26: ... MK 55 enables entire banks ot PERFORMANCE PRESETS lb be copied from one BANK to another During this transfer process all the FREE and PERFORMANCE SEQUENCE functions wiI also oe copied The most important use of the COPY BANK fu notion is that of copying an internal BANK to one of the bank positions lr nc external memory of fhe RAM cartridge or vice versa You should remember that the entire content...

Page 27: ...nd mom trio right ir the I nr of burtons under tno central matrix 16 At this point you w II see the following display 4 As you want to carry out trie COPY BANK operation you shou d press YES last on the rght ir the row under cental matrix 16 The display will now ask you am you surn ns seen below are you sure yes no 5 Press YES again w nen ttie display will return to that shown below I n is is indi...

Page 28: ...ow 1 Select the BANK that you want to protect by means Of the BANK SPL1T FREE buttons U9 on the pghf ot the control par el BANK D in the examp1 e 2 Press MEM PROTECT Memory Protection i his is the last burton cn the right ir the I ne of buttons under vie cental control matrix 16 I he display wi I r ow show the follow ng messages BANK D Pill b 1 BANK D Off protect lyes no or protect ye3 no 3 It the...

Page 29: ...ance the sequence but f it is in a lower numbered position then t 5 mono convenient to lso the left hand PERF EQ button It s ditro possib e during the use of the PERFORMANCE SEQUENCE to use any PERFORMANCE F i by pressing the appropriate huTton from l is 16 Why you continue with the sequence this will carry on where l eft off that s if the last number used was ter example j then us nex time iaL yo...

Page 30: ...he sequence one position nt a tine with the button marked LJnde the display inser ting the PERFORMANCE PRESET requ red into each positron up to a maximum of 3G 4 When you have CO trip elect ttie sequence p ess PLAY 21 The disolay wi I now show T 1 6 0 I p r 1 A 5 If you want to memorise the sequence just completed press YES otherwise press NO T he d sp ay wi I now return to the PLAY mode as shewn ...

Page 31: ... that moment fflrf Saqu 2 C b Pfirf Sequ 2 0 5 6 8 95 10 S 6 i i a If for example you lave a situation as in displays above and you want to insert two new PERF PKL STTS into the seqjerce between N sfiand S you sMould coas follows 1 Press the OLttor narked INSERT IS twice which wiI create two spacer in rho required posit ors lhe display wil now have changed to b 2 nsort fie PERF PRESS IS required u...

Page 32: ...it ZONES 5 ft G on he MK BH B5 I he total Nnof nctes programmable into those SPLII ZONES is as follows MK SR 29 notes M K 55 56 nates IMPORTANT The external instrument must be set to MIDI channel Nei 1 as the IVMDl IN on the NIK S0 55 receives only on this channel To programme the externa SPL I ZONES 5 5 proceed as to lows 1 Set the MIDI channel of the external instrument to MIDI CHANNEL Nn L 2 Pr...

Page 33: ...ve set the low and high lim ts that is the extension of GPL ZONE 5 and his w I now be shewn on the d sp ay as shown belay 1 Split 5 C 7 A B p l a _ _ h s is indicating that you days programmed SPLI I ZONE 5 from bottom C which is equivalent to top C or the MK 8S 55 to AS You should new carry out the same procedure to defern nc the extension O SPLIT ZONEG It a this pc nt Ihe souncs arc not at the s...

Page 34: ...c r by pressing tho re at ve PERF PRESET button ir the now under the central matrix IS TTis wi I erase any command previously programmed into that position The b different types of command hat can he selected are as to lows 3 START STOP se acted hy PERF PRESET button Nu 1 liis cornmard is used i or tine centre ot 5 Rhythm Ur it nr Sopi enter b CONT STOP selected by PERF PRESET button N 2 command a...

Page 35: ...splay wiI now show The Hasting cursor on the r pint is telling you bo enter the Nettie contro ler function requires which you cd by means of OLttons 1 9 end 0 under the central matrix U6 This nrorodLre s concluded by pressing DIRECT enter t20 fis ar example tie to lowing procedure will activate PCRTAMrN n at a set rste ori all nstruments capable oT mseiving this command whenever the relevant PERF ...

Page 36: ... IT ZONE on hie centra matr 21 P ess PLAY 21 to leave the EDI mode and memorize These modifications using the SAVE PER FORMANCE procedure see page 24 22 Now on selecting the relevant PERFORMANCE PRESET PORTA W LN TO at a rate of 40 wil automa tical y bo switched on SI DER N 1 2 wi I now control the PORTAMENTO RA E and will overide the preset rate of 4 0 when i is moved 23 To avoid any problems wit...

Page 37: ...ing as be low FREE Em HEX SIR 9 4 0 0 0 You can now assign this FREE o one cf he PEDAL SLIDER 2 or WHEEL 13 control in tie GENERAL CO NT KOLS section 5 by following the nstructions below 1 Press PANEL LI when rhe display w I show1 Bank protected save Yes No This is asking you t you want to SAVE tlvs I RLE command or net therefore you should press YES 2 You carl move Jie indicator lighten tie left ...

Page 38: ...e ri sp ey will show as below It it is not then go straignt to point ND 8 below Ban it protec t i d s a v Q Yes M 0 7 display will change 0 HID I PATCH p 0 s l cap ty 9 lot 1 8 Select FREE position A by pressing buton N 12 under ttie certral matrix 16 Sop MID tion 9 PATCH sc DisplaywiI ask split altr clian free A 1 0 9 Se sct SPLIT NQor ALTERNATE CHANNEL as roqhired by pressing the respective numb...

Page 39: ...ge 34 EXAMPLE 4 To send an QMNI ON message to external units do as follows 1 Press FREE in the EDIT section 11 2 Select FREE postion required A HI 3 Press HEX PERF PRESET button N 5 4 Write th s code E 7D00 5 Tess DIRECT ENTER 20 6 Assign to a MIDI PAl CH slot when you wl asked on lie display SFLIT ALTERNATE CHANNEL 7 Select me SPLIT ZONE required using the buttons under the central matrix EXAMPLE...

Page 40: ...he SAVE PERFORMANCE procedure the CHAIN function wiI be activated every tiro that particular PKLibi s recsl ed This means that rhe Cl IAIN funet on w I ho act vs on the i im meters of ihe previous PRESET For example it a DLLAY ha been progra Tried into the last NCN CI IAIN FRESTT when the CHAIN RRESET is se ected the DELAY ard the other functions listed previous y will be unaltered On y when Ihe n...

Page 41: ...ars of the UP DOWN jjltons 15J 3 Press SPLIT 1 button in Iho EANK SP IT FRFE section fl9 and hole it dewr an I ho display Shows press lowest P 2 A 4 Now p ess Vie lowest and ther tie highest coys of the extension required tor SPLIT ZONE 1 for exam pie C C and the d sp ay will now show Spilt 1 C 1 C 3 P 2 A E Press PLAY 21 6 Press PERF PRESET Nv It at tils point you wish to return to the ed t carri...

Page 42: ...te sections of ntormatkn Note Or ard Note Ofr see be aw I his coce can be i iterpneted as to lows EXAMPLE 1 pese i i Slalus f 1 k tii w Note On Lsl b te 3 NOT ON 3rd byte P Inse MSius hi I 01 ll Mil 3rd t vis 40 i i Valljti i I No tecrr JrJ U T i 3id J j 00 In en Vd je 7r Uci i The insert channei symbol tX in this case will automatically assign the MIDI chanrei for the respective spl I rnntt n nwe...


Page 44: ... I sda MP V Pe al MK 83 55 MIDI DUMP DATA SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE TO DUMP A COMPLETE BANK with 3 Free and PerLSequence F 0 dump request 2 F 3 0 function 3 15 MK 89 55 coda U 3 sank A D F 7 TO DUMP INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCES F Of dump request 2 F 5 0 function 5 1 5 MK 60 55 code 0 63J 4 bar ksi A BhChD of 16 perform anccs 1 16 F 7 TO RELOAD Reloading of the previously memorised data into the MK 88755 can bo ...

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Page 47: ... LJ SPLIT ZONES split POIN IS t 2 3 A S B NOTES E UT MODE 1 full TRANSPOSF r CHANNEL MIDI MT DYNAMICS AFTER l re TOUGHL FUHcftirt FUNCTION proramcH 1 2 _ _ l PRDAL 2 1 1 SLIDER 2 s _ WHEEL 2 0 IZ CfF 1 UFF SI Hj OFF Q 0 1 1 OFF 1 1 I OH _j OFF _ cjnIZ Fr DFL AY r ON OEF LENGTH MIDI PATCH 1 2 3 A r o t 1 1 i 10 ...
