When [DHCP] or [Static] is selected, do NOT modify the BMC network settings on the
IPMI web page.
3.5.2 BMC Network Configuration
Lan Channel 1 (Failover)
Manual setting IPMI LAN
If [No] is selected, the IP address is assigned by DHCP. If you prefer using a static IP
address, toggle to [Yes], and the changes take effect after the system reboots. The default
value is [No].
Configuration Address Source
Select to configure BMC network parameters statically or dynamically(by BIOS or BMC).
Configuration options: [Static] and [DHCP].
: Manually enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway Address in the BIOS for
BMC LAN channel configuration.
: IP address, Subnet Mask and Gateway Address are automatically assigned by the
network's DHCP server.