08 October 2018 / Ver. D
TD 93272EN
Installation Guide
Application Server
General Information
The Application Suite must be setup in a system with a NISM. No licenses are needed..
The MAC address
The MAC address can be found on a label on the products rear side, in the application’s
GUI in the Setup Wizard.
Authentication and Administration
Administration is done via a web browser. The administration pages require a user name
and password.
The default passwords need to be changed to prevent unauthorized
access to the administration pages.
2.3.1 Authentication
GUI pages on the Application Suite always have this user account: “admin”.
The admin account with the default password “changeme”, is used for administration
and simple troubleshooting of the module. The admin has permission to change all
2.3.2 Administration
The application’s Configuration page requires the admin account. The page can be
reached directly by entering “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/config” in the address bar, where
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is the modules IP address.
All configurations can be set and changed on the Configuration page, such as system
setup, changing passwords, etc. This page also contains detailed configuration.