AS Strömungstechnik GmbH
Version date: 09/2020
5.2 Tests prior to assembly
1. Use the label on the container to
check whether the desired chemical is
in the container.
In addition, an electronic chemical
comparison should be carried out via
barcode or RFID.
2. Make sure that the container is placed
in a dust-free environment.
Contamination and debris can limit the
functionality of the dispense head and
lead to premature wear of seals and
thus to leaks.
3. Carry out a visual inspection for the
following points:
Contamination and adhesion of
chemical residues. The dispense
head must be clean.
Make sure there is no damage
such as cracks, etc.
4. Check the connecting couplings. They
must not be too tight or too loose.
Use the correct tightening torque that
matches the screw connection.
Please use recommended torque
specifications of the respective man-
ufacturer when tightening nuts and
The screw connections must be se-
cured against unwinding.
When using flare connections,
see also AS flare and assembly in-