PMAC2-Lite Hardware Reference Manual
Option 2 provides an on-board 8k x 16 bank of dual-ported RAM. The key component on the board is
Option 5: CPU & Memory Configurations
If the 40MHz CPU that comes standard does not have sufficient computational power, faster versions are
available as options. These options provide faster CPU ICs in U7 and faster SRAM ICs in U58, U59, and
Option 5B provides a 60MHz CPU with zero-wait-state SRAM active memory.
Option 5C provides an 80MHz CPU with zero-wait-state SRAM active memory.
Option 6: Extended Servo Algorithm
The standard PID servo algorithm with feedforward and notch filter is suitable for most applications.
Systems with difficult dynamics, especially with significant flexibility, may require a more powerful
servo algorithm, such as the Extended Servo Algorithm (ESA).
Option 6 provides firmware in the PMAC2-Lite that replaces the standard PID servo algorithm with
the Extended Servo Algorithm.
Option 7: Plate Mounting
If the PMAC2-Lite is used as an ISA bus expansion board, the standard hardware provides for proper
mounting of the board in the bus. However, if it is not installed in an ISA expansion slot, other provisions
must be made for mounting.
Option 7 provides a mounting plate connected to the PMAC2-Lite with standoffs. It is used to install
the PMAC2-Lite in standalone applications.
Option 8: High-Accuracy Clock Crystal
The PMAC2-Lite has a clock crystal (component Y1) of nominal frequency 19.6608MHz (~20MHz).
The standard crystal’s accuracy specification is +/-100 ppm. Long-term velocity accuracy is limited by
the accuracy of the crystal, unless an external time base is used.
Option 8A provides a nominal 19.6608MHz crystal with a +/-15 ppm accuracy specification.
Option 9: Serial Port Configuration
The original standard PMAC2-Lite (602406-100) included a single RS-232 serial port. Optionally, this
could be converted to RS-422, and a second serial port can be added. On the Universal PMAC2-Lite
(602406-101 and newer), both the RS-232 and RS-422 ports come standard. Jumpers E17 and E18 select
which port is used.
On the original PMAC2-Lite, Option 9L replaces main RS-232 port with an RS-422 port on a small
piggyback board. This option is not available on the Universal PMAC2-Lite.
Option 10: Firmware Version Specification
Normally, the newest released firmware version is provided with the PMAC2-Lite. A label on the U61
flash memory IC on the CPU board shows the firmware version loaded at the factory.
Option 10 provides for a user-specified firmware version.
Option 12: Analog-to-Digital Converters
Option 12 permits the installation of 8 or 16 channels of on-board multiplexed analog-to-digital
converters. One or two of these converters are read every phase interrupt. The analog inputs are not
optically isolated, and each can have a 0 – 5V input range, or a +/-2.5V input range, individually
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