2) FirmWare
Data that refers to the firmware version (FW) of the equipment (example: FW Ver = 1.32).
If you wish to update the FW version, please contact us.
3) Serial Number
Serial number of the device (example: serial number of the device = 02658748). The serial
number is stored inside each device.
The serial number can also be obtained via AHnet and AHlink.
· The ISD will show the AHnet address which will be accompanied by an acoustic signal
"BEEP" (example: Address: (001)). Once the signal has been heard, the "UP & DOWN"
buttons will allow the user to scroll through all the variety of menus that the device
contains. To enter into any specific menu, simply press the "OK" button.
· How to modify the values within each menu? The values can be selected through the
"UP & DOWN" buttons. To save the selected value, press the "OK" button or wait 3 seconds
for it to be automatically saved.
The connection through RS422 allows the control of up to 30 devices per line. The last
device (an only the last one) needs to have the termination activated.