Doc.-no.: DPC200-MOD_02_EN
Issue: 08/2019
Product description
The DPC200-MOD is a measuring device for low pressure of inert gas, particularly of air.
The device has both a 0...10 V signal output as well a Modbus RTU interface for digital
2.1 Type plate
1. Product name
2. Measuring range
3. Supply voltage
4. Signal output
5. Serial no.
6. Manufacturer
2.2 Intended use
The DPC200-MOD has been researched to bundle functions needed in the HVAC in-
dustry into one device. As a precise differential pressure sensor it can transmit meas-
urements for both pressure and air flow. The integrated PI control logic is an important
component in decentralized closed loop control systems, where pressure and air flow
have to be constantly controlled. The additional Modbus RTU interface is intended for the
digitalisation of industrial processes. For direct analog processing, a 0...10 V signal output
is available. This signal can be configured as a linear / square root measuring signal or as a
manipulated variable of the closed loop controller.
2.3 Functional description
A diaphragm measuring system is used as sensor element. This system consists of a thin
diaphragm, a spring adapted to the measuring range and the pressure chamber of the
housing. Combined with a differential transformer, it results in a precise, robust and dura-
ble measurement method. The evaluation takes place in the microprocessor electronics, in
which each device is individually linearized and fine-tuned to the respective measuring range.
The DPC200-MOD provides two function options:
1. Measuring device:
In this mode, the determined differential pressure is shown on
the display and made available as a proportional 0...10 V DC output signal.
2. Control mode:
The PI algorithm calculates the measured differential pressure against
the set point and controls the manipulated variable so that a constant pressure behav-
iour is achieved in accordance with the set point. The manipulated variable is available
as a 0...10 V DC signal.
In addition to the measured variable “differential pressure”, the measured variable “volume
flow” can also be used for measurement and control.