Doc.-no.: DPC200-MOD_02_EN
Issue: 08/2019
5.4 Measuring mode
If selected parameter = ON
modbus address
Button B1: reset value
Button B2: set value
Button B1: confirm value, display flashes once
Press button B2 to get to the next menu item
modbus baud rate
Button B1: choose among 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600
Press button B2 to get to the next menu item
modbus parity
Button B1: choose among none, even, odd, none_2_stop_bits
Press button B2 to get to the next menu item
unit metric
Press button B1 to switch between:
metric <=> imperial
Press button B2 to get to the next menu item
operating mode
control mode
Press button B1 to switch between:
measuring mode <=> control mode
Press button B2 to get to the next menu item
diff. pressure
Press button B1 to switch between:
diff. pressure <=> volume flow
Press button B2 to get to the next menu item
5.3 Start up & modbus control
controlling mode
ΔP = 150 Pa
Start menu:
Press button B1 approx. two seconds
Press button B2 to get to the next menu item
Press button B1 to switch between: on <=> off Press button B2 to
get to the next menu item
If selected parameter = volume flow
fan k-factor
k = 70
Button B1: reset value
Button B2: set value
Button B1: confirm value, display flashes once
Press button B2 to get to the next menu item
Press button B1 to switch between:
linear <=> square root
Press button B2 to get to the next menu item
back and confirm
Press button B1 to leave the menu
Press button B2 to stay in the menu
If selected parameter = diff. pressure
Press button B1 to switch between:
linear <=> square root
Press button B2 to get to the next menu item
back and confirm
Press button B1 to leave the menu
Press button B2 to stay in the menu