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A surgeon cannot have the pump and insufflator enabled at the same time. Based on the type of
surgeon (general or orthopedic) the user needs to choose one or the other. Both cannot be enabled
at the same time for a specific surgeon.
After you have made the necessary pump, RF, insufflator, and shaver configuration changes and
have hit Save you will return to the Surgeon screen shown in Figure 4. Tap the Save button in the
lower right corner of the Surgeon screen.
Use Instructions: Once this option is configured then the system will automatically display auxiliary
settings per the surgeon’s preferences during a case. There are no additional steps the user
needs to take to utilize pump and shaver display settings.
The settings will appear on the left side of the surgical monitor as shown in Figure 10. Settings on
the screen will update real time. The shaver text will turn from white to green during shaver