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The Artex ELT Test Set (ETS) beacon reader module, installed in an Aceeca
Meazura MEZ1000 unit using Palm OS
, is designed to decode and display the
encoded 406 MHz message. The reader can be connected directly to the ELT or
monitored “over the air” using the supplied whip antenna (as allowed by local or
national regulations). The reader will decode any 406 MHz aviation protocol for
ELTs. All instructions contained herein refer to Artex ELTs only. Familiarity with
Palm devices and/or the Palm OS® software is highly recommended. “Meazura”
will be used throughout this document to describe the base Palm unit.
Note: The Artex ETS does not decode PLBs or EPIRBs.
The ETS is a replacement for the Artex Sarsat Beacon Test Set P/N 453-0131
which is no longer available.
For all references to the 453-0131 Test Set
(or Sarsat Beacon Test Set) in any existing and/or previous Artex
documentation, the Artex ETS P/N 453-1000 may be used as a direct
Follow the general directions for testing the 406 MHz signal as
directed in the applicable Artex ELT Manual except follow the operational
instructions for the ETS as outlined in this Manual. Screen views depicted for the
previous test are significantly different from the 453-0131; refer to the views
shown in this Manual and on the test set when using Artex documentation that
refers to the 453-0131.
This Manual does not describe the other functions of the Meazura™ /
Palm™ platform or other Palm™ based applications that may be used. Contact
Aceeca at
for details and user guides. This Manual is applicable
only to the Artex ELT Test Set (ETS), P/N 453-1000 Revision A or higher.