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Palm™ Desktop Software
Prior to use, the Palm™ Desktop Software as supplied on the CD-ROM disc (Artex
P/N 510-1200) supplied must be installed on your Windows
95/NT/98/2000/Me/XP PC that will be used to interface with the ETS. Follow the
on-screen instructions for installation.
The Palm desktop software works most amiably if a single Meazura (Palm)
device is associated with a single computer. It is possible to use more than one
Meazura (or Palm) device with the same computer but attention must be given to
the selection of appropriate user names when transferring data to and from
different units. The Palm software identifies the User Name when the Palm
Desktop application is installed on a PC. Only one User Name can be used with
the Artex applications.
Sarcalc Desktop
The Sarcalc Desktop application SarCalc Desktop V1.2 (or higher) may also be
installed on a PC (available free for download at www.artex.net). Once installed,
the entire Sarcalc or Artex database can be reviewed.
The Meazura unit
must be HotSync'd with the Palm Desktop software to load the database from
the Meazura unit to the PC. Once sync'd, the database can be opened on the PC
by starting the SarCalcDesk.exe application and opening the database from the
file menu. The Palm HotSync will usually store the database file in
C:\ProgramFiles\Palm\Artex\Backup\ (where Artex is the Meazura user name. Be
sure to use the “Artex” user name whenever performing a “HotSync”. All Artex
provided software is loaded to the Meazura using this user name.) The database
will be named SarcalcDB.PDB. If the Meazura was set-up on the PC with a
different User Name than “Artex”, check the folder for that User Name to locate
the Backup file to find the Sarcalc and Artex database information.
Hot Sync
Once installed and configured, the Palm™ Desktop Software will allow installation
of additional software applications as well as performing the hot sync function to
transfer data to and from the ETS (Meazura unit). Artex provides a USB cable
(452-0103) to connect to a PC. The hot sync function is accessed by tapping the