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Printing Messages
The message may be printed (via IR or serial connection) by selecting “Print”
from the Measure or Review screens. The report will print all the displayed data.
NOTE: Artex does not provide or support the optional printer software,
contact the recommended source below.
The print function relies on the Stevens Creek Software application PalmPrint or
SCSPrint. Either PalmPrint.prc or SCSPrint.prc must be installed on the base
Meazura unit for printing to function. PalmPrint or SCSPrint are available from:
Stevens Creek Software, LLC
P.O. Box 2126
Cupertino, CA 95015
Fax: 1-603-698-4777
Printing preferences are selected from the main Meazura screen by selecting
PalmPrint or SCSPrint and then choosing Infrared or serial connections, and
choosing an appropriate printer type. Poorly formatted or illegible text may be
caused by incorrect serial port speed or printer type selection. For more
information contact the printer software vendor.