www. artlighting.cz
Dear customer
We hope that you will be satisfied with your new powerful LED floodlight ASTERION for many
years. The firm Art Lighting Production, s.r.o. puts the customer service on first place. Therefore we
have also intensively focused ourselves on quality and the customer service in recent years. The better
and higher quality products we sell the fewer problems we will have with the service and vice versa.
Therefore, we can also afford to offer 36 months warranty service and loan of alternate lighting unit
free of charge in case of warranty and post-warranty servicing.
The ASTERION luminaire is different from other manufacturers’ LED luminaires especially with its
light output and its different concept of the optical system. In addition, a significant role plays here the
selection of quality materials and components.
Unlike the competitors products our ASTERION luminaire works from very beginning with only
diffused light, which allows to work with great homogenity of light over large areas already from a
small distance. With its light homogeneity, divergence and performance it is the first full replacement
of the floodlight in the world.
We wish you a lot of pleasant experiences with the ASTERION product!